Have you seen the latest blog?













"I have such happy memories of performing in a choir and I don't think I'd have got where I am today without all that experience. So my advice to young singers is to either join your school or church's choir or find one in your local area. Choral music at any level teaches you so much about musicianship and blending your voice."


Katherine Jenkins
















The choir meets at 6:30pm for a 6:45pm start. We finish around 8:30pm. There is plenty of free parking in the hall grounds.

We begin with a voice and mind warm up. This is followed by  practicing songs chosen in the lead up to a concert. Most of the music is in three parts, with some tenor and bass for the men. We are always looking for new members, whatever your ability, especially men. The weekly fee is just £2.00. There are no hidden extras; this includes payment for any music. Payment may be made in advance by BACS, or at the practice in cash, cheque or with credit card. Generally members are expected to pay thier subscription when not attending for any reason other than illness or with prior notification to the committee. This does not include holidays. The committee believes this to be a very fair rule with the cost of membership being very reasonable.

There is no official uniform. The choir sometimes selects a colour scheme depending on the type of concert. Photos on the website will give clear indication of the scope of style accepted.


A warm welcome awaits you. Come and give us a go!

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Carbis Bay Memorial Hall - our practice venueInside the hall